Want to know the single most important ingredient to losing weight and getting healthy?


Don’t be a LONER!

People are 50% more successful at living a healthy life and maintaining their ideal weight if they work with others.

Simply put: people get better together.

And when it comes to your overall health, nothing is more important than your brain. When your brain works right, you work right. When your brain is in trouble, you are more likely to have trouble in your life.

It makes sense that if achieving our healthy living goals goes up by 50% if we work at it with other people—and the brain is the most important organ in our body—that we should partner with people who are also striving to improve their brain health.

I know, that sounds difficult to pull off, right?

Yes, but it doesn’t have to be.

Daniel G. Amen, M.D., one of the world’s most respected neuroscientists and accomplished brain researchers, has helped tens of thousands of people transform their lives by improving their brain function by creating Brain Fit Life – an online brain-health community connecting people who are committed to living a brain-healthy life.

"When you are in a community of people dedicated to living a brain-healthy life, it will absolutely rub off on you,’ Dr. Daniel G. Amen says.

Inside the Brain Fit Life community you’ll find support, accountability, and new friends to learn from and grow with over time.

Take a look at this short video from Dr. Amen where he talks about BFL’s vast resources and the secrets to living a brain-healthy life.

Here are just a few of the ways Brain Fit Life can help you:

Join a Discussion Group

The best way to get started with Brain Fit Life is to join a discussion group based on your goals and interests. This is a great place to meet new friends and get the support you need to live a brain-healthy life.

Contact a Brain Fit Life Coach

Brain Fit Life has an amazing team of coaches available to answer your questions about diet, nutrition, exercise and more. Ask your questions publicly in a group forum or e-mail a coach privately. You can also chat live with the Brain Fit Life coaches.

Watch a Live Webinar

Catch Brain Fit Life’s live webinars each month hosted by Daniel and Tana Amen, the Brain Fit Life coaches, and the Amen Clinics doctors.

Tap into the Power of Influencing Others

"The more you give this program away and teach other people the Brain Fit Life principles, the more they will be solidified in your own head," says Dr. Amen. The Brain Fit Life community encourages you to share what you learn with your significant other, children, friends, and even co-workers. It will elevate your own success and, as the people you care about embrace the brain fit lifestyle, your support network will grow.

Learn how to Receive by Giving

When the concepts of brain health are given away to someone you care about, it allows you to keep it forever yourself. This idea is embodied in one of Dr. Amen’s favorite prayers, the Prayer of Saint Francis, "For it is in giving that we receive." Receiving through giving is a key part of the success behind Brain Fit Life’s community program.
